Investing Word of the Day: Portfolio

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Well its a new year and I’d better start doing things right in this blog. Let’s learn our stock market lingo just like we use to.

You may have read this word already in the newspaper, forum, or FB group. You might have read this in the newspaper or might heard it between two rich looking guys talking over coffee in the Starbucks you usually go “tambay“.


In finance or investment, portfolio is a term use to identify one’s collective investments. Don’t misinterpret this word with an artist’s portfolio, which refers to his works. Portfolio could be made of stocks of different companies from different industries, different bonds, or cash. A portfolio is designed to get the maximum return from investments thus a mix of diverse investment instruments are held in a portfolio.

About the blogger

Louis Delos Angeles is a Certified Public Accountant, blogger behind Investing in Philippines, and author of Investing in Stocks: Preparing for the future small amount at a time. Check him out in Google+ Learn more about Louis and his financial freedom advocacy here.

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