PSE Website Part 8: Knowing who manages the companies that you invested


In business it is important that you trust the persons that manage the company. Their educational and professional background maybe impressive but if investors don’t trust them it will be hard to see growth due to lack of investor confidence. 

One good example is Steve Jobs of Apple. Jobs was the primary innovator at Apple yet when his attitude turns from good to bad the company started to fall and eventually led to his expulsion to the top post. He learned his lessons and was able to get the trust of the people inside Apple and eventually the investing public. Since then Apple lunch one of the greatest gadget, The iPhone and has been a key player in technological innovations.
To see the managing team of your stock’s company you can check them by going to the  the Board of Directors and Management link in the Corporate Information link:

Note: the use of ABS Corporate information is for illustration purposes only.

Financial Freedom Advocate About the blogger

Louis Delos Angeles is a Certified Public Accountant, blogger behind Investing in Philippines, and author of Investing in Stocks: Preparing for the future small amount at a time. Learn more about Louis and his financial freedom advocacy here.

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