4 Saving Principles

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A friend recently requested me to create a video to be presented to students in his home town to help them start taking care of their personal finance.

4 Saving Principles

Personal finance covers a wide range of topic and thus I choose to focus on savings. Saving is a very important component of achieving financial freedom. It is where one starts and one builds upon the wealth that will be use to investment endeavors. But saving alone is not enough. As discuss in the video one must have a reason why you are saving and reasons shouldn’t just be small things. The main reason why we should save is for the future. Getting ready for the future or your retirement is a must and it would truly help if one starts early preparing for it.

Watch the video below and learn these 4 principles that I have been following through the years. Like you I want to be fully financially free when I retire. I don’t want to be a burden to my future children and siblings when I get old and would rather like to be in the helping end when I grow old instead of the one being handed money for my survival and medical bills.



About the blogger

Louis Delos Angeles is a Certified Public Accountant, blogger behind Investing in Philippines, and author of Investing in Stocks: Preparing for the future small amount at a time. Check him out in Google+ Learn more about Louis and his financial freedom advocacy here.

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